A recent after work drinks conversation left me really curious – not one of the ladies at the table felt comfortable buying a car by themselves. Most said they’d take their partner and single ladies mentioned taking their father or a male friend.
But are guys really that helpful?
Guys know more about cars than me.
85% of people have done the research online first and have picked the cars before going into dealerships. Unless the guy is a mechanic, you should be getting an independent inspection if the car is second hand or look at extensive service warranties.
I’m not comfortable haggling – isn’t the price the price?
Many ladies I know have used their phones at the shops to take a photo or search the web to compare the price of clothes or shoes they see in the shops – cars are no different. Guys are more likely to buy through ego on the spot or get caught up in having to drive away the car that day – meaning they fail to compare prices. Simply comparing a few dealer offers or using a car buying service will ensure a competitive deal.
Don’t I have to buy the car where I want it to be service to avoid getting ripped off later?
Many ladies think this and even when they do haggle give their local dealer last chance to win the deal. Nearly all brands have set price ranges for each service milestone. Quite a few brands include servicing for a quick sale or as part of a corporate deal.
I don’t understand how finance works?
It is best to get help from your accountant. There are many “bait rates” out there - the cost of the cheap finance is considerable when you overpaid for the car. As guys are more prone to buy same day they are most likely to believe the 0%, 1% and 2% advertisements without understanding the fine print. The wrong tax structure will cost you even more again. Only get finance after negotiating the best car price first.