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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Carberry

Help a Hungry Aussie - Donate to our Food Drive!

verve group food drive

Do you know where your next meal is coming from?

In the last 12 months, 1 in 6 Australians have reported there has been a time where they didn’t have enough food for themselves or their family and could not afford to buy more food.

Here at Verve Group, we're passionate about making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

We have partnered with Vinnies in Alice Springs and Foodbank in Adelaide to run a food drive to collect pasta and passata.

Just a 500g packet of pasta and a 700ml bottle of passata will provide the base for a family struggling through a tough time to cook a homemade meal.

Our aim is to collect 1,000 packets of pasta and 1,000 bottles of passata to feed 1,000 families in need.

Will you help us to achieve our goal?

We are asking for donations of a packet of pasta and a bottle of passata to be dropped to our Glenelg or Alice Springs office by 30 April.

A small donation can make a big difference in ending hunger in Australia.

Thanks in advance for your food donations!

Drop off locations

Verve Group, 2/73 Hartley Street, Alice Springs

Verve Group, 1/609 Anzac Highway, Glenelg North

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